In this constant me versus you, versus them world, there is no just action. Just action is a self motivated, a self inflicted thing, from within. It cannot be imposed from the outside. In other words, a self monitoring mechanism is needed for just action. The farming out of monitoring to courts, jury, arbitrators etc, is essentially ineffective. This consensus form of a justice will follow the prevailing fashion and times and has little to do with discerning reality. Reality is not open to interpretation. Centralising justice results in absolving oneself from following just action. It throws out reality. The goal becomes to act without getting caught by the conscience (which isn't a conscience) outside of oneself. There is a resulting laziness in self monitoring, a "do unless caught attitude". No longer is one in charge of ones actions. The institutions outside of you are in charge of you. This creates conflict in the world.
One needs to look at reality as it is. Each one of us needs to look at the reality within ourselves and not meddle with the supposed reality of the other. The other will find their own reality. Only if one sees actually what is going on within oneself can one self monitor. This implicit 'honor code' resulting from self monitoring does not divide between lies and truth or good and bad . It sees only what is and not what is not. To see what is not is to judge, to create desire, to want, to not accept what is.
To look at reality as it is, one has to know oneself. Most of us do not know ourselves. To know oneself is true awareness - to be aware, in the moment, that emotions and events transpire. We become aware in hindsight sometimes.
Why do we not know ourselves? In this wretched world of money and systems, our time and silence have been hijacked. We are surrounded by noise - the noise of our careers, the noise of socializing with neighbours, the noise of taking care of our children, the noise generated by fear, the noise generated by ever enlarging wants.
Why do we not know ourselves? In this wretched world of money and systems, our time and silence have been hijacked. We are surrounded by noise - the noise of our careers, the noise of socializing with neighbours, the noise of taking care of our children, the noise generated by fear, the noise generated by ever enlarging wants.
If we know ourselves, the necessity to be false, to worry about other's judgement vanishes. The only thing that survives is reality and acceptance of reality. In such circumstances being subjected to deceit, anger, jealousy etc has no impact.
To know oneself there has to be a great deal of silence. Silence in surroundings and to be in nature are essential. And finally there has to be silence of the mind. Its only when there is silence of the mind does one see reality as it is.
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homas Carlyle said "Silence moulds great lives" . I had seen this written outside my school library
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