Thursday, November 18, 2010

Viva La Vivien

Vivien Leitner passed away on September 7, 2010, of a heart attack, in her sleep. A good way to go - quick. No trouble to relatives. No suffering.

We made an unusual pair - Vivien and I. She not quite 80 and me more than 30 years her junior. Vivien had a sharp intelligence, a scientist's zeal for parsing information and we related. Our discussions were heavily intellectual. Mental sparing on issues. I envied her mental youthfulness and wished for myself the same if I reached that age.

I had befriended Vivien and Walter Leitner during my one year stint at UT Knoxville. Introduced by another older friend, Hemprova, now 97 or so. Hemprova lives on - fading slowly but surely. Hemprova did me a big favor. I had more joyous times with the Leitners than I can count. When there is this type of geling, the bond itself becomes a part of ones being. Our conversations were always factual, down to earth, little frivolity. But we talked as equals. She and Walter have never made me feel my lack of years relative to them. In fact they have applauded everything I have done. It almost made me look over my shoulder to check that it was me that they so graciously celebrated.

I am certain Vivien knew she was going. She called me on Sept 6th after several attempts earlier. This was already unusual. She wished me well for my life as we said good byes. She was her usual self just a bit high strung. I wondered if she was disoriented. And made a mental note to call her back to check. But when I did she had been gone 2 weeks already.


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